How to Protect Your Golden Retriever From Flea and Tick Infestation?

There are many preventive dog flea medications available to help eradicate and prevent flea infestations. If your Golden Retriever is in an area which is prone to fleas and susceptible to flea-borne disease, it is important to follow a flea control regime. Preventative care, such as applying a flea product for a few minutes, once a month, is easier than getting rid of a flea infestation after it has occurred. If your dog already has a flea infestation, try to use commercially sold sprays to kill flea whilst in the early stages. This prevents fleas from spreading to carpets, your pet's bed, and other areas in which your dog frequents. There are a number of topical products available on the market and which include powders, sprays and flea collars. Some of these products also help to prevent ticks, mites, and tapeworms.

Flea and Tick Control for Golden RetrieverSome common products for flea and tick control for your Golden Retriever include 'spot on products.' These are mostly liquid products which are administered or spotted onto your pet's back. As your dog is unable to reach their back area, if can prevent them from licking and removing the medication. Flea and tick medication should be applied all year-round in countries that do not have severe freezes in the winter. In climates that have below freezing temperatures, medication is not applied during the coldest month. Collar products such as a flea collar, is another effective way to control fleas, and they usually lasts for many months. When the collar is new, pet owners should be careful when handling this and wear gloves to prevent the getting any medication on their skin. Monthly tablets can be prescribed by your veterinarian and there are many varieties available. Capstar is a tablet which is administered on a daily basis. It is convenient to use in situations where a dog may be temporarily exposed to ticks and fleas, such as when in a boarding kennel or on a vacation. Spray products are typically used once your dog has a flea or tick infestation. Frontline spray, is a once per month treatment and care should be taken when applying this to avoid your dog's eye, nose and mouth area.

Once your Golden Retriever is treated, pet owners may consider using it a flea magnet. Allow your pet to enter into areas of the house where there may be a flea infestation. The pet magnet draws the fleas to the dog where they will not survive, and helps to reduce the time it can take to clear flea infestations around the house. Ensuring that you carry out regular cleaning of areas that your dog frequents, such as vacuuming furniture and carpets, disinfecting the area, washing bedding and any pet toys, can help to prevent flea infestations.
How to Protect Your Golden Retriever From Flea and Tick Infestation? How to Protect Your Golden Retriever From Flea and Tick Infestation? Reviewed by Mark Williams on 23:14 Rating: 5

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