Helpful Tips for Grooming Your Shih Tzu in the Right Way
It is essential that your Shih Tzu becomes used to being groomed as early as possible as this will make the process easier to carry out. Try to spend around 15 minutes a day brushing your pet with a bristle brush. Carrying out grooming on a table with a non-slip surface, can also help your pet to become familiar with attending grooming parlors and so can also be a great training experience.
Start from the head and slowly brush the hair away from the eyes with a bristle brush, then trim any extra hairs if necessary. Next is brush your pet's ears removing any excess hair within the ear. Whilst grooming the face, examine the eyes, ears, and mouth for any signs of irritation. Contact a veterinary surgeon if you discover any unusual symptoms. Next begin combing down the neck and body, brushing the legs and finish by brushing your pet's bottom and tail. The hair around your dog's bottom can be trimmed short to prevent matting and dirt from collecting.
Some pet owners choose to use hair dryers specifically designed for dogs, although it is important to ensure that the hair dryer is not too hot. Similar to grooming, ensure that you pay attention to all areas of your pet's body when drying.
Bathing can be a fun experience for pets, and they can be encouraged to enjoy this, by carrying it out from an early age. Pet owners may choose to use a bathtub with a rubber mat on the bottom to prevent any slipping. You will need a shampoo, conditioner some which may require dilutions, so it is important to follow the instructions carefully.Drying
Try to keep the Shih Tzu warm after bathing. Wrap your pet in a towel for about 20 minutes whilst keeping them on your lap, as this can make it easier to dry their coat and soak up any excess water.Some pet owners choose to use hair dryers specifically designed for dogs, although it is important to ensure that the hair dryer is not too hot. Similar to grooming, ensure that you pay attention to all areas of your pet's body when drying.
Top Knots
Shih Tzu owner should learn how to make knots as soon as the hair is long enough to be attached to a pin. For puppies, one or two pins are enough, but later on, more pins are needed to keep the hair away from their eyes. Rubber bands are often good choices, as they are light and not too tight. The coat around their mouth may also be pinned to prevent this from getting into their mouth. If your dog has long hair on the forehead, this can be plaited to the sides with the hair parted in the middle using a rattail comb. There are many different styles to choose from, with some pet owners choosing to use maintenance topknots for functional day to day use, whilst others may use more decorative forms such as those seen in dog shows.
Helpful Tips for Grooming Your Shih Tzu in the Right Way
Reviewed by Mark Williams
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