Using Fish Oil For Dogs: Is it Good or Bad for Your Pet's Health?

Fish oil supplements offer many benefits for the overall health of your dog, impacting many systems within the body. Fish oil is used within almost every cell in the body and is typically derived from our daily diet. Using fish oil for dogs can help to address any deficiencies within their diet. Some of the many benefits include supporting the immune system (which is particularly useful for dogs with rheumatoid arthritis) and autoimmune related diseases. It also helps to support health functioning of hormones, high cholesterol, kidney disease, skin and fur health, dry brittle nails, blood pressure as well as eyes brain and nervous system. Fish oil is a natural ingredient containing essential fatty acids often sold over the counter as Omega-3 fatty acids. Evidence shows fish oil for dogs may help to support cancer treatment in helping to control the growth of cancer cells whilst also helping prevent cancer. Fish oil is often prescribed to help support dogs with arthritis as it provides a good anti inflammatory and may help to reduce enzymes responsible for cartilage damage and pain. It is also useful for dogs with allergies, particularly skin related allergies and may prove more beneficial with used with GLA omega-6 fatty acid.

Fish Oil For DogsFish oil for dogs contains Eicosapentaenoic Acid EPA and Docosahexaenoic Acid DHA and you can determine the potency of your fish oil supplement by the EPA ingredient. Typical dosage is 20mg/lb EPA a daily dose is determined by multiplying your dog's weight by 20. Recommend dosage is 100mg - 200mg for smaller dogs and 500mg to 1000mg for larger dogs. Fish oil supplements can be mixed with food or given as a treat. There are a wide variety of different fish oil supplements available from many manufacturers for over the counter purchase. Many dog foods also contain omega 3 fatty acids.

There are few side effects associated with fish oil and they are widely used and typically well tolerated. In some cases minor gastrointestinal problems may occur such as vomiting or bad breath. Too much Omega-3 fatty acids may also affect the blood making it thinner, for this reason it is important that you consult with your veterinarian before use, particularly if your dog is currently on blood thinning medications such as Heparin. Your veterinarian may also help you to determine the correct dosage for your dog. Fish oil for dogs not only provides comprehensive health benefits and can be used as a preventative measure but it can also help provide additional support or dogs during periods of illness.
Using Fish Oil For Dogs: Is it Good or Bad for Your Pet's Health? Using Fish Oil For Dogs: Is it Good or Bad for Your Pet's Health? Reviewed by Mark Williams on 22:26 Rating: 5

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