How to Care for Your Afghan Hound's Dental Problems

Dental care is important for the Afghan Hound to help prevent bacteria and other detrimental organisms clinging to the teeth and causing enormous damage over time. This breed is highly prone to dental afflictions and since dogs keep chewing almost everything they come upon, the chances of dental anomalies are higher. Without proper dental hygiene this breed is subject to gum diseases which may turn out to be fatal.

Dental Problems

Afghan HoundDogs need regular brushing of teeth to prevent the accumulation of plaque, tartar and other depositions. If not removed, these can be detrimental to the gums and teeth of the Afghan hound. Tooth decay gives rise to periodontal ailments which can extend to other body organs such as the kidney, liver, and heart through the blood stream. Other major dental complaints also include overcrowding of the teeth and gingivitis. During the transition period from the fall of "puppy teeth" and development of "adult teeth", overcrowding occurs. This happens if some of the "puppy teeth" have not fallen. Overcrowding of teeth can lead to more serious dental issues.

Dental Hygiene

There are several ways to maintain the dental hygiene of your pet. All these practices can be carried out at ease in your house. The Afghan hound become should become acquainted with teeth brushing and handling of their mouth from a puppy. It is advisable to start by moving fingers over its teeth slowly while it lies beside you. This allows them to become familiar with this particular feeling. Next use a dampened soft toothbrush preferably of the finger cap type. Other promising products include the Quad Brush which facilitates brushing from a range of angles.

Once all of the above procedures are completed use some toothpaste for better results. Human toothpastes for canines are prohibited and there are different brands of toothpaste for pets which can be purchased at reasonable costs. The toothpaste must be specifically designed for dogs only and shall provide complete breath cleaning and freshening.

The dog toothbrush is to be used without paste for a certain number of days. Gradually, when the Afghan hound gets used to this feeling, toothpaste can be applied and the quantity of paste used can be increased steadily. Subsequently, the pet will accept it as a daily routine. If your pet is resistive towards these methods, dental wipes can be implemented for dental care. Dental wipes are not as effective as regular brushing. Still they remain a last resort if all efforts fail. Maintaining dental hygiene of your pet can be tiring but it is a very important practice and should be carried out daily to prevent serious dental complications.
How to Care for Your Afghan Hound's Dental Problems How to Care for Your Afghan Hound's Dental Problems Reviewed by Mark Williams on 05:34 Rating: 5

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