Beagle Allergies – Know about the Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment
Royalties and celebrities are fans of the Beagle. Queen Elizabeth I was a fan of this breed, and included her dogs in her portraits. President Lyndon B.Johnson had two beagles. This breed is one of the most loved dogs around the world and most famous too. With a short coat, they do not require much grooming, but they are prone to allergies.
An allergy is a condition where the immune system gets over stimulated due to a reaction to a particular substance called an 'allergen'. Allergies can surface at any stage in life. There is no cure for the allergy but the symptoms can be treated to make your pet comfortable.
Allergies in Beagles can be classified as:
The canine is sensitive to the saliva of the flea. When the flea bites your pet, it injects the saliva into the body. The body's immune system reacts to the saliva thereby causing severe itchiness which makes your pet miserable. Remove the fleas as soon as possible. If there is a flea infestation then vacuum all furniture, carpets and canine bedding to free it from flea eggs which multiply when the weather is warm and moist. Use flea powder to get rid of the fleas. Bathe your dog to remove fleas and soothe the flea irritation. Cut the grass in your backyard to keep the fleas away.
An allergy is a condition where the immune system gets over stimulated due to a reaction to a particular substance called an 'allergen'. Allergies can surface at any stage in life. There is no cure for the allergy but the symptoms can be treated to make your pet comfortable.
Allergies in Beagles can be classified as:
Flea allergy Dermatitis
Food Allergy
Beagles love to eat and may develop an allergy to a particular food substance at any time. This includes foods like chicken, beef, pork, lamb, soy, corn, and dairy products. Try to identify what is causing the allergy and remove that food from your pet's diet.Environmental Allergy
Pollens in the environment increase when the seasons changes. These may cause allergies to the dog when they inhale them. Pollens of grasses, weeds, dust mites, cleaning agents and fabrics, are the most common allergens. If your pet is allergic to any of these, avoid exposure to these substances to prevent the triggering of allergy.Symptoms of Allergy
- Skin itchiness
- Oozing skin which is prone to infection
- Coughing, sneezing
- Red eyes
- Itchy eyes
- Ear infection
- Discharge from nose, ears, eyes
- Swollen paws
- Loss of hair from coat
- Vomit/diarrhea
- Shortness of breath
- Loss of appetite
- Behavioral changes
There is no cure for allergies. This is a genetic problem and may surface at any stage in your pet's life. The course of treatment is treating the symptoms to give relief to your pet. If your dog develops a seasonal allergy then keep them away from the outdoors when the seasons change. If he is allergic to smoke from your cigarette, avoid exposure. If he is allergic to the household cleaners or fabrics, change them. Flea allergies cannot be avoided but can be minimized by regularly cleaning your pet's coat, especially when he comes back from the outdoors. Avoid the foods that cause allergy to your pet
Beagle Allergies – Know about the Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment
Reviewed by Mark Williams
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